FIRST site for world wide investors ( min deposite 10 dollar) 1 day interest depending on the plans.
use above link to get registered
Verified ExchangersThe list below contains all the verified exchangersIf you would like to invest with us, but we do not accept the e-currency you prefer, you can exchange it to the needed currency through one of the approved e-currency e
xchangers listed below. On
this page you can find the list of reliable, honest and approved e-currency exchangers where you can exchange almost every currency.
IMPORTANT: Please note that exchangers listed on this page are independent and in no way related to Diamond Asset, and Diamond Asset does not guarantee any outcome that you may experience with these
We are an electronic payments and business solutions provider. Our business is people-friendly and community focused. Our only business is providing electronic currency exchanges and debit card solutions
for serious Internet entrepreneurs.
We exchange: Payza, Liberty reserve, Solidtrustpay, Pecunix. is an e-currency exchanger. We deal with the following payment processors: Liberty Reserve (LR), Solid Trust Pay (STP), Perfect Money (PM). Our business is to exchange your money from any of
the three available payment processors to another payment processor of your choice for a small fee.
We intend to be the best exchanger and offer you a stress free experience.
No. 1 Gold and e-Currency Exchange Provider, services customers Worldwide, exchanges all major currencies. Online since 2000.
Centregold is a Digital Currency Exchange Provider. You can buy, sell and exchange different types of digital currency on our website at very competitive rates and from virtually anywhere in the world. We
currently support Pecunix, e-bullion, Liberty Reserve, and WebMoney. Exchanging electronic currencies has never been easier - all you need to do is just sign up for a centregold account, log in and you are
almost done!